I finished another commission that I was nervous about even starting - a jumping horse and rider. The photo I worked from offered a number of challenges, but my client was able to also provide a few other photos of the same horse and rider that were helpful. It's a little nerve wracking to do a painting of a horse that you know will be seen by a lot of horse owners and riders, especially when you know next to nothing about horses to begin with. But, as I worked, I connected to what I was painting and my client was please - so I was pleased!
Wednesday I med with my artist group and decided I was going to tackle painting our two poodles, something I'd avoided because painting that much curly hair and working in black and white seemed very daunting to me. Turns out I loved painting Millie (our Standard Poodle) and Daisy (our Miniature), the "girls!" I shared this painting with the rescue group we adopted Millie from, Carolina Poole Rescue, and have to admit, poodle people are definitely partial to poodle paintings!! Next on my list is our darling senior doggy, Pete, who's all white. After all, I can do white horses!
My paintings in progress, paintings ready for a new home, and sharings related to artsy fartsy things.
About Sharon Matchett

- Sharon Matchett
- I'm a retired, classically trained singer (and frustrated flautist) who has discovered another voice within which I now express through the medium of watercolors. Although the art of painting is something completely new to me (I am self taught), the language has turned out to be very familiar. As with singing an aria beautifully, expressing myself in a beautiful and meaningful way in watercolors involves excellent timing, rhythm, tempo, coloration, and artistry. For me, painting with watercolors is like music flowing from my brush. It fulfills that deepest need which I believe lies within us all, the need to feel connected. As I paint I am immersed in and connected to my subject. I become my most creative self, and, in those moments, I feel I am at one with the universe - a marvelous feeling for sure! If what I paint somehow connects with the viewer .... what more could an artist wish for?
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